Happy Peace and Love Day!

A Word From Beyond

Breaks? We are all engrossed in the invisible chains of the hustle and bustle world. With our busy minds, we keep on moving soullessly, blinded by the goals, desires, and perceptions of others. We just keep moving and we never stop.

However, the thing that we aren’t aware of is that sometimes we aren’t moving forward, instead, we are stuck in the illusion of it.

The illusion makes us feel that we are moving forward when in reality we are stuck way far behind, and there’s always an inner voice that whispers “You need to stop” “You need to take a break” “You need to give yourself space”, but we keep shutting down that voice because we feel guilty if we stop doing.

We keep ourselves in the universe of human doing and we separate ourselves from our real universe, which is the human being.

Our essence is to be, but we all go against our nature.

The urge to achieve something in life takes away from our own existence. We keep on going until we can’t move anymore. And then the blurry phase creeps in, we lose balance, passion, motivation, meaning, and that fire that kept us going from the start.

We feel disconnected from everything, and yet we try to connect by absorbing ourselves in the virtual world, by creating more separation from ourselves, and by consuming more of what keeps the mind busy and lost.

What is the right connection?

How can we keep that fire alive?

How do we break it to mend it?

Taking breaks might sound simple because we’re used to taking breaks, but what is a real break anyway?

How to Take a Real Break

Taking a break is an art form in itself. The break of reaching out to the inner self and breaking all the invisible chains. The break of going beyond the comfort zone.

The art of disconnecting from everything and changing the way you live on a day-to-day basis. Taking a break means breaking up your normal train of thought and your sense that you already know where you’re going and what you’ll be doing.

It’s losing the sense of knowing and just letting your human instinct lead you somewhere.

When you stop doing all that you’re used to, you’ll feel uncomfortable, and that you’re missing something. You enter an unknown world in which you don’t know the rules, or how to live in it, and it will all feel overwhelming.

You leave your own conditioned bubble, and you’ll find yourself flying in an infinite sky that you can’t make sense of. This is the kind of break that you need.

That break in which you lose touch with your familiar world, in which you will reconnect and discover things about yourself.

That break will reveal what you truly value in life, it will tell you if what you were doing is worth it or not, and will give you answers to whether or not your soul needs what you’ve disconnected from!

That break in which you will listen to the truth.

The truth about your actions, attitudes, choices, and that break in which you’ll take a deep breath and follow your heart and mind.

That break will reveal the purpose of what you were striving for.

It will bring back the soul of the lost passion part.

It will revive your inner fire.

It will lead you to find balance.

Quotes From Souls

“Don’t underestimate the power of resting. It builds you back unlike anything.” ― Hiral Nagda

“Resting is immensely powerful to ignite the glorious star within you. Power yourself by powering up your relaxing game.” ― Hiral Nagda

Self-Reflection Questions

What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.

The famous Italian phrase “Dolce Far Niente”, meaning ” Sweetness of Doing Nothing”, is the kind of sweetness you need to feed your soul.

Learn the art of taking a break

Disconnect to reconnect

What do I really value in life?

Is what I was seeking worth my life?

How can I bring new light to what ignites me?

Take A Break Affirmations

positive affirmation when you need a break
positive affirmation when you need a break

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