Happy Peace and Love Day!

A Word From Beyond

Each of us has a different perspective on what it means to experience negativity in life.

Negativity is a broad word that can be defined based on our experience of it, which will differ from one person to another. Yet we all feel lost in the depth of this word, as it clouds our minds and drowns our souls.

Negativity can be experienced subjectively from our own thoughts and perceptions of the world, or it can be imposed from the outer world that we subconsciously allow invading our mental space. The latter is the form we experience more often since we’re always surrounded by people, we absorb their energy unconsciously, and it takes us away from ourselves.

Dancing in the storm of others isn’t agreeable; it takes away from your own life art motions.

Goodness in humanity is tainted by negative traits that are engraved with the chisel of unfortunate life experiences.

We all, as humans, have goodness at our core, and as we go along the journey of life, we become the collectibles of different traits, and negativity is one of them. Everyone experiences it. To keep the taint on your essence is completely up to you. One should become aware of the energy absorbed by the outer world. We all become tainted and we even taint others, but it’s up to us to peel off the taint.

How can one do that?

Becoming aware of the way you talk to yourself and others, sensing that there’s some kind of change in your energy, is the first step to identifying that you have been tainted.

The second step is totally up to you. It’s a decision you will make. Whether or not you want to remain tainted, it’s always a choice. What you can do is create a separate space in which you can sense what’s coming from you and what’s been bestowed upon you strangely from the worlds of others.

Once you make the difference, you can start peeling off the taint and restoring your energy.

Your state of being is always your choice.

You can’t control what comes your way, but you can always control what to do with it.

Protecting your life energy is up to you.

Like a feather taken by the blowing air, so is our soul when uncontrollably taken by the cloudiness of another person’s negative aura.

Spot the energy

Stop its existence in your space

Swap it for your own energy

Befriend awareness

Practice Self Perseverance

Quotes From Souls

If you attach to the negative behavior of others it brings you down to their level.”— Guru Singh

Negativity is an addiction to the bleak shadow that lingers around every human form–you can transfigure negativity by turning it toward the light of your soul.” — John O’Donohue

Self-Reflection Questions

What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.

Are you aware of your own negative traits and the impact they have on your life?

Are you aware of the energy you take from others and whether you welcome it into your own?

How do you deal with people who bring negative energy into your life?

How do you preserve yourself from others?

Releasing Negativity Affirmations

release negativity  affirmations
release negativity  affirmations
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