Happy Peace and Love Day!

A Word From Beyond

The ego is the obstacle. It stands in the way of becoming one’s true self and flowing with one’s own nature. It’s a mask we put on that impedes our growth and narrows our perspective.

Our eagerness to present ourselves as the most knowledgeable, know-it-all person separates us from our truest selves. The complexity of wanting to be seen and presented to the outer world in a perfect way leaves us in denial of who we are at our core. We create a false self for ourselves and believe it, becoming oblivious to our true nature.

The Venetian mask “The Volto” that we carve for the rest of the world to see is polished with a sense of superiority, praise, and recognition. Its essence is being better than the rest, raising the ego-self up, and putting others down. Striving to be the perfect Volto of all.

Roaming in the perception of others and being put on the highest pedestal of humanity is what keeps the ego alive.

Feeding the false facade of who we are will eventually transform into low self-esteem because we’re pretending to be someone we are not. Once the ego gets caught up in lies, our truest self crashes down internally.

Instead of being at peace with who you really are and who you want to be, the ego limits your ability to thrive by focusing solely on “how you want to be regarded by the outside world.” This keeps you from becoming and living your highest and most genuine self, which you can only do by emptying yourself of all ego residues and willingly being modest and open to being filled with knowledge and pleasant experiences.

Detaching from the ego is essential for having a high feeling of self-esteem. You know who you are, you’re willing to learn and grow, you express yourself, and you’re you.


  • You want everyone to like you.
  • You think you know everything.
  • You prove yourself.

High self-esteem:

  • You don’t think about how others perceive you.
  • You are open and learn from everyone.
  • You express yourself authentically.

Liberating yourself from the ego takes the pressure off, keeping you grounded and open to new perspectives. You become a work in progress, sowing a seed within yourself and watering it as it grows. You don’t have to pretend to be the best; instead, you learn from everyone who crosses your path. You become humble and grateful.

Quotes From Souls

If you are satisfied with who you are, you don’t need to prove your worth to anyone else. — Jay Shetty

Ego trip: a journey to nowhere.Robert Half

Self-Reflection Questions

What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.

The ego can stand in your way, but what stands in the way can also become the way. Being aware of your ego is the first step towards detaching yourself from your false persona.

You are who you are when no one is watching. That glimpse of your authentic self arises when you take the time to reflect on the person who emerges when nobody else is around, no one to impress, and no one with something to offer you.

The ego is restrained, and gratitude is fostered by focusing on your flaws, forgetting your accomplishments, and remembering your mistakes. This will keep you humble and remind you of how flawed you are as a person.

Do you let your ego get in the way of expressing your honest self to others?

Are you only fixated on your own good deeds?

Who are you becoming at the core?

What are your values at heart?

Are you confident in who you truly are?

What is one thing you’re grateful for that someone else did for you?

Ego Control Affirmations

Affirmations for Ego

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