Happy Peace and Love Day!
A Word From Beyond
Loving oneself is an innate state of being that most of us keep latent. Throughout your life path, you walk away from the roots of your own love and willingly let yourself be swayed by the outer world. You long for love, to feel whole and complete, and you leave your own soil dry till your roots wilt and die.
At a certain moment, love feels heavy and unreachable. You find yourself surrounded by unloving beings and life situations. You blame others for not giving you as much love as you expected to get. Regardless of the amount of love you receive, you always feel empty. You start blaming others and engaging in your own self-destruction journey, with all kinds of dreadful thoughts and habits.
The hollowness of our love creates more callousness in our lives.
Dry soil can’t grow lilies. That purity of love comes from within; it has always been there since your first breath.
Inside of you, there’s a sweet and innocent lily flower longing for your care, love, and attention to grow and flourish and make your life filled with an abundance of love.
On a much deeper level, loving oneself bonds you to your soul. When you work on accepting and loving yourself exactly as you are, your love will naturally flow into all aspects of your life. Your relationships will improve, you will gain confidence in yourself, and your self-esteem will rise. You’ll feel like a whole different person.
Self-approval and self-acceptance are crucial to a positive self-love transformation journey.
Self-love isn’t self-centered. It’s all about watering your own plant so that it grows and flourishes into a delightful, bright bloom.
Allow your self-love to witness a fresh life, a rebirth.
You are a masterpiece, a living art. No one is like you. You’ve been brought to this existence with your own one-of-a-kind canvas.
Quotes From Souls
Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. — Lucille Ball
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. — Rumi
Love is never outside ourselves; love is within us. — Louise Hay
Self-Reflection Questions
When you genuinely accept and approve of yourself, you build a strong bond with your inner love, and you become the master of your life. Everything changes, including the way you treat yourself and others. Love is an innate state of being. It’s always within you. When you shut out the noise of the material world and connect beyond that, you discover the unstained true you.
What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.
How do you love yourself?
What’s stopping you from loving yourself?
Are you putting others’ needs ahead of your own?
Self-Love Affirmations