Happy Peace and Love Day!

A Word From Beyond

The Path of Life

Every day holds a different experience, a life task for you to deal with.

It all comes in waves. Some waves will crash you, and others will float and embrace you.

When a wave is peaceful, one should prepare and practice how to swim.

When a crash befalls, one should draw on all that training and use it to get through the nature of waves.

The reaction of waves is natural, and it is something out of your control.

What ought one to say when a wave crashes?

“I was practicing for this. I was training for this.”

When our inner power obeys nature, it responds to events by willingly adapting to what is challenged and what is possible. It pursues its own aims as circumstances allow; it turns obstacles into fuel.

How to avoid drowning?

Learn and practice how to swim every day.

Learn how to accept the nature of things.

Learn how not to cling to things that are out of your control.

Learn how to discriminate between events and your interpretations of them.

See things for what they are.

Do what you can.

Endure and bear what you must.

Enjoy the practice phase.

When the crash comes, go within and realize that this is it. This is the moment to draw on all that training. Now is the time to use it. Arm yourself with this.

Also, don’t be ashamed to ask for support. Ask for exactly what you need. Have faith in yourself. Don’t give your power away to other people’s perceptions. Be conscious of what you truly need. You know better. You are the master of your life.

Keep in Mind

Recognize the difference:

You can swim, but you have breathing difficulties. You’ll need someone to teach you how to breathe rather than how to swim so you can keep swimming.

The world is nothing but change.

Our world is only our perception.

Disturbance comes only from within—from our perceptions.

Realize this, and you’ll turn any obstacle into fuel.

Quotes From Souls

“Here is the rule to remember in the future, When anything tempts you to be bitter: not, ‘This is a misfortune’ but ‘To bear this worthily is good fortune.”Marcus Aurelius

You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” — Marcus Aurelius

Self-Reflection Questions

When you start seeing events objectively and perceiving things as they are without the interruption of subjective viewpoints, you will feel a sense of inner peace. Accepting the natural order of things and reclaiming the mind’s power. In all situations, remaining steadfast and focused on the silver line is crucial.

What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.

What power do I have over this?

How can I put this obstacle to good use?

How can I get through this with a clear and objective mind?

Overcoming Obstacles Affirmations

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